
Thank you for visiting our website. Here you can find out more information about the public consultation and plans for land at Eggbuckland Community College site.


Thank you for visiting our website. Here you can find out more information about the public consultation and plans for land at Eggbuckland Community College site.

The College’s buildings and facilities are over 40 years old, with the sporting facilities particularly in need of substantial improvement, replacement, and repair. The sale of the surplus land will help fund significant improvements to the College’s facilities, as well as providing considerable benefits to the community.

We want to give you a clear understanding of what we are proposing for this site. Our focus is on providing 100% affordable housing on the site, to include 40% shared ownership, with a sizeable number of the homes set aside for military veterans and key workers. This will be alongside a significant area (over 40%) of open space on the site, for use by the community, as well as improved educational and sporting facilities for the students and local community.

We have held consultation events for staff, parents/carers and members of the wider local community, enabling them to view our proposals, ask questions and give feedback. These events included an online webinar on 19th July and an in-person public exhibition on the 21st July.

The proposed plans and site information displayed at the exhibitions are now available to download here:

The public consultation is now closed. Thank you to all who gave us feedback on our proposals.